Just money and business.  Could this cause war.  Get real, of course it can and does.Puzzle pieces

Guess Who? Evil guy.  The CIA gave him lots of money and weapons.

Encouraged and supported Osama bin Laden

The one on the right does not negotiate, but he'll be glad to take your money.  A proud bigot.Encouraged and supported Yasser Arafat

Encouraged and supported Saddam Hussein The CIA gave hom lots of money and weapons.  Does this sound familiar?

Encouraged and supported Robert Mugabe

Encouraged and supported Omar Trujillo

Encouraged and supported Manuel NoriegaMoney, weapons, the usual.  Doesn't behave, acts like tinhorn dictator.  Make your daddy proud.

Encouraged and supported Augusto PinochetMoney, arms, real boss, good guy to do business with, if you need a real boss.  Somebody you can do business with.

Encouraged and supported Anastasios Somoza

Encouraged and supported Roberto d'Aubisson

Encouraged and supported King Idris

Encouraged and supported Ferdinand Marcos

Encouraged and supported Fulgencio Batista

Do you understand the meaning of "your chickens have come home to roost?"

Why do we embargo Cuba? Is this little island any kind of threat? Who lost money when Unbelievably long winded.  Another poor little rich kid, but is he a threat to the US?Castro took over? Rockefellers (banks) and the Mafia. Cubans are still poor, but they're not worse off. Give a nod to Batista for leaving the country to Castro before great damage was done.

Why do we embargo Libya? Is this little nation a threat? Who lost money when Qaddafi took over. Oil companies (Rockefeller) and banks. Qaddafi gives oil money to Libyans. Free housing, free university education. We gave King Idris 8-12 cents a barrel and he kept it.

Chile was going to expropriate the copper mines owned by U.S. interests. Get ITT to kill Allende, get a, easy to deal with, dictator installed to keep the money flowing (capitalism); welcome Pinochet.

Need cheap labor to pick your fruit (Rockefeller). Make sure there are no unions and labor radicals to interfere with the money flow. Honduras, Guatamela, El Salvador, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc. Welcome the Beautiful countries, tropical, great places to grow fruit.  Might need to adjust the management and the loyal opposition.likes of Somoza, but great type guy to do business with. A real boss and an asset to capitalism.

How do you forget Panama. Trujillo becomes a little troublesome, kill him off, install Noriega (CIA asset). Good guy to do business with but knows too much. Put him in an American jail even though he is the Panamanian leader working for the CIA.

Prop up the Shah of Iran because he's stupid and sells us (Rockefellers) Iran's oil for 8-12 cents a barrel. He lives good, like real royalty, not so good for Iranians though. Could this be Yeh!  Doesn't he look like the pope.  Great guy to do business with, of course, Iranians hate him.  The CIA just a great bunch of guys.why Iranians don't like the U.S. too much. Memories are made of this.

Oh-oh, now the Iranians are a bad regional influence, if this keeps up all the area countries will get better control of their oil businesses. Saddam Hussein to the rescue. We'll keep the Iranians busy with this scumbag cutthroat and fighting him everybody in thearea will need to buy weapons to defend themselves. Lucky for us, we're selling the weapons, business is good. We've got good control of energy.

Would you buy a used car from either one of these characters.  Send the ol' lady down to close the deal.  Sure!Great business partners in the area. There's nothing like dealing with a reThese guys look like headdress salesmen, but they're more oily than that.al boss,spell that "dictator." All this business has just got to be good.  Good for who, or shouldn't you ask?Business and more business.  Money and more money.  The system is great for the centralized collection of money.Kings, thievin' royalty, business is good. Drilling is good. Pipelining is good. Tanker business is good. Refinery business is good. Distribution network is good. Money flows good for those that finance these businesses.

Having trouble with the loyal opposition. Go to the "School of the Americas." It's in Norcross, Georgia and trained most Latin and South American military leaders how to eliminate political dissent. Kill them all. Check the record (death squads); Guatamala, Honduras, Uruguay , Paraguay, El Salvador all learned how tho cast the permanent vote.

We can do business with a real boss. Sugar, fruit, etc. We won't even have to change the existing financial structures and distribution networks that are already owned and built, or are we just reorganizing the distribution networks. A management move. Business is good.

This is what we represent overseas. Could this have caused a huge misunderstanding in There is a link here.  Have you figured it out yet?the eyes of much of the world. I think not. The eyes of the world understand, but the eyes of the U.S. citizens do not. Teach the truth. The citizens will repair the damage.