Doesn't look like much going on in this picture, so read>All Too Possible!

Fortunately for you, ignorance isn't illegal or you'd get life. Finish the sentences. The government's problem with McVeigh is that they insinuated their informants into the bombers group by showing them how to make the fertilizer bomb. Then the government makes it's agency a big hero by arresting the bombers and confiscating their bomb. A small mistake seems to have been made at this point. You know the rest, lots of media, big heroes, orchestrate the news, kiss. This is the same technique used for arresting crystal meth idiots. Idiots is the key word here. Find some ignorant doper, give him the lab recipe for the drug, tell him how to get the chemicals, and when he's ready to sell, call the TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc., arrest him or her (idiocy is not gender specific), easy conviction, maximize publicity at each step. Gosh, golly gee, works for crystal meth so it will work for bombs. This is not criminal investigation, it is a public relations program. The WND's Federal Reserve revelations are comic. There is a conspiracy here, but you have to identifySquirt a little of this on the squeaky spots.  The universal lubricant. the root to make any sense of it. Why would the rich bankers want to have the Federal Reserve? How about "to make money, really big money, and control the future." What do they want the money for? Do they want to frolic and roll in it like Scrooge McDuck? I think not. Money is used to make more money . What do the Federal Reserve profits get invested in? At this point you are required to think. You must invest in stable areas with guaranteed long term demand. Centralized distribution systems of basic needs. Identify basic needs. Food, shelter, energy, transportation, government, just to name a few. We're talking really big money, so we must find really big centralized distribution systems. Let's look at energy. Natural gas is transported by pipelines as is oil and gasoline so if you own the pipeline you have some control of centralized distribution. Refineries, trucking, shipping are also good. Electricity is distributed from central points, transmission lines,No, not up the stack.  That looks wasteful.  Maybe stupid.  No, truly moronic. nuke plants, coal plants, natural gas plants, even hydro. These are great really big dollar investments. Did I mention that the profit from the Federal Reserve is really big dollars and it has to be invested (that is the reason for making it). This works especially good for using up petrofuels. When you make electricity from petrofuels, 75% of the energy in the petrofuels goes out the chimney in the conversion process. Wow, we can sell the fuel to ourselves (plant owners), turn this energy into a form that we can control the distribution of, get the idiots to pay us for wasting the first 75% of the energy, and make another profit on the electricity. Give the government a cut so they won't be trying to change such a perfect system (perfect for big money). This is better than robbing banks, we can send three of every four gallons up the chimney and get paid for doing it.