WTC, Earth, Energy, intelligence.  Could there be a relationship?Energy I.Q. Test

Your blissful ignorance demands that you reject the right answers, so how about the right questions?

1.How efficient are our electric utilities? How much output for how much input?

2.Name one advantage of centralized distribution of electricity.

3.Could a very small group (8) own a majority of U.S. electric utilities?

4.What is a "DISCO"?

5.Are DISCOS exempt from regulation?

6.How could these questions relate to energy policy?

7.What makes the rich get richer? Rich?  In1914, he had $913 million.  The entire Federal budget was $718 million.  Could we do a small loan, like the Federal Reserve?

8.Does "Centralized Collection of Money" sound like an electric utility?

9.Does the government get a piece of the profits, like a partner?

10.Clue. 25%(answer to no. 1).

11.What was question number 1?

One of us needs to see a rectal surgeon for cerebellum impaction. Tell the good doctor I said "Hi."


Dave Fagan