Smog.  This is the view around every city.  The cloud is brown colored from the air.  Get the picture?Global Warming.

Greenhouse Effect.

the Energy Economy.Money.  This is the world's best lubricant.  Used to overcome inertia, or create some.

Ignorance. Greed. Big Capitalism.

Smog and money. Do you suspect there might be a connection?

Did you read the oil tanker story? If you did,

you are aware that just a smidgen under 78%

of oil goes up the smokestack or out the

exhaust pipe. Did somebody forget to tell you that simple fact in school?

You may have seen it as smog or as water vapor, but there is

no doubt that it is easy to find. Why would we want to drillThis picture is about water vapor.  Water vapor is hot and is really wasted heat.  Lots of wasted heat!

for new oil reserves when we already know where 78% of

the energy is. Tap those smokestacks! As dumb as it sounds to

be wasting this tremendous amount of energy, the real story is the money trail.

These huge losses wouldn't represent huge dollar profits to the

energy distributors and their banks, especially their banks, would it? The

banks with the really big money need really big projects to loan money to.

Refineries, pipelines, utilities,tankers, Nuke plants, etc.

represent projects that require billion dollar loans. Now Fingers.  To make you realize that there are some very wealthy fingers in the pie.

let's hypothesize that one bank finances the drilling, pipeline,

tanker transport, refinery, trucking, and the end user (utility) and

makes its 10-12% interest with each loan. Do you think the banks

would want to change this system? Banks are about making

money, so this is a no-brainer. What if any portion of this production

were to be negatively impacted by another energy source. Get ready for a

battle royal, because the bankers and status quo of big energy are going to

prevent it. That is what solar energy and other renewable energy

sources have to battle against. That is just the money trail and pales

when compared to the responsibility of health and environmental damage

that may be directly attributable to this wanton waste of energy that is the

reality in the world.