PRECEDENCYSome people would just look good in stripes.

I've missed you. I loves my computer. Diligent research on the Internet
has revealed why our maximum leader the "shrub" (immature bush) is so
thin. "He's been doing the work of three men and Larry, Curly, and Moe
are pissed." "shrub's" greatest feat goes unappreciated in the press.
Similar to those pictures of Hercules holding the globe on his shoulders,
the "shrub" has accomplished a similar miracle. The world economy is
in the dumpster. Production is down, trucking is down, airline industry
is down, auto industry is down, everything is down and as a result using
much less energy. ERGO, energy prices should be down. Fooled you there,
didn't I? They're up and the credit for that rests on one man's shoulders.
That would be the unelected tool in the White House. The "shrub," as
governor, showed he would use the political office for personal gain
(Texas Rangers, real estate play), but he wouldn't use the Oval Office
the same way, would he? Wake up, that is what it is all about. The
"big oil," money may decide to give the maximum dip a billion dollars
for the oil rights at Crawford after his precedency (first, unelected).
That would be out of the kindness of their hearts, which happens a lot
to this precedent.
Keep hammering, not the secretary, the keyboard.


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