Reality may be an illusion after all.  It may not be as certain as when you were younger.Imagery

Lot of that going around

Women put on a face (makeup). Why is the bay window of your house facing the highway, and why is your house parallel to the road? The view is out the other side of the house. Why wear a advertising billboard (Levi's, Dockers, Gucci, Abercrombie&Fitch)? Have you seen that on t-shirts or sweat shirts? Do you think the owner realizes he/she is a walking billboard? Is multi-color hair any different from one-color dyed hair? Had your teeth straightened or whitened? Braces, body metal, leather, buttons and bows? It's all about imagery. New wheels, maybe the sleek Camaro, Seen any cracked images lately.  Follow this link and you'll find one.because it looks good on you. Yeh, we gonna spruce up that fat, slack muscled, pile of cellulite and cholestrol we call Americans. Not only that, but they're famous round the world as dumb. Is all that red meat and butter and milk bad for you? Not if you are a muscular, physically hard-working type. On the other hand, do you think ol' Caspy Milktoast, the typist, needs all that fuel in his tank. Ol' Caspy gonna get a blockage, cause he ain't gonna burn the fat. High energy foods in indolent, slovenly, couch potatoes. Right, like it takes the same type of food to do hard work as light duty. For Chris'sake, we're talking about fuel here. How about those fat broads? That would be most of them. Gonna buy a pill to burn the fat. Like exercise is a dirty word. They hate to sweat, and they're not gonna, they gonna get a nice blockage instead.

Imagery. Check divorce court and see if the ol'lady's use the alimony and support for the kids, or did they walk away with a nice house for themselves. It's like a nice school which doesn't even relate to the quality of education. Never will. These dips don't realize education funds are spent on facilities construction and when the budget gets tight, you have to cut people because you can't cut facilities. That's another peeve. Paint, fix up, landscape, preen your house so the assessor can tell you it's worth a lot more now and your taxes are going to be raised. I bet you can relate to that image. Do you think people will wise up? No, they won't. I told you in the beginning that they are famous around the world for being dumb. Too many fairy tales. I think the Santa Claus at Xmas, the Easter Bunny at Easter, the tooth fairy, and all the other nonsensical tales that American kids are brought up with makes them susceptible to easy manipulation. That is what the imagery is about. They learn to accept nonsense as truth when they are little and get used to it and the good advertisers and manipulators can pull those strings forever. It's an ingrained habit, like a computer program. You don't think those computers repeat themselves, do you? That's why they believe the Not again?  This stuff seems to be everywhere.  Find out what it is.nonsense that the government and big business feed them. They don't have to think. The government will do that for them. War, energy, poverty, energy, dictators, energy, policy, energy, greed, energy, big business, energy, America (USA) etc., and is there any common thread linking these issues? I'm probably too obtuse to figure that out. Nothing to do with imagery, do you think? I mean that literally.