Pretty expensive test.  You probably won't get this  test unless you can't walk.Medicine-Corporate

Good Stuff. What's good medicine?

Let's not be simplisitic here and even imply that medicine at this stage of capitalism is people centric. Paper centric maybe, people centric, no chance. For example, HMO's are about making money or we have just switched to socialism. Simple enough, doctors and medicine are about making money. That seems clear. Isn't the last six week period of medical school about business, not medicine? So as I was casting a suspicious eye upon the truly lovely array of wallpaper (diplomas) upon my good doctor's wall, some trivial data was initiating a logical dialogue within the old cerebellum. If I was not at my doctor's office that would have been my brain. Indeedy, the good doctor, Israel Aaron Qvak, was busy. I've overheard no end of folk talking about my doctor, IZZY A QUACK seems to be a common refrain these days. The man is famous.

This day however, we are in the throes of the first steps of major medical intervention, so IZZY is absorbed in the voluminous research necessary to determine which testing procedures are covered by the fine print of the health insurance. This is IZZY's specialty. He is good. I must not have nerve damage in the spine because an MRI is not covered. A plethora of less expensive options are covered, so those tests will be performed. I hope I'm not pregnant. Then I'm not female, but that test is covered, so I think IZZY will Not an M.D., but I'll bet he'd understand HMO really good. Now this is about business.surely want to be thorough and run it. A CAT scan is a possibility although there is a little ambiguity in the phraseology of the policy. IZZY's broker called and the performance of his pharmaceutical holdings suggest that I may be in need of some chemical intervention, definitely not generic in this case.

A chat with the Insurance reminds IZZY that if my health appraisal doesn't get me back to work in about two days, his other clients with the Insurance will be seeking care elsewhere. There's a good chance I'll be certified healthy real soon, I just wish I felt a little better. IZZY said to ignore the pain in my head because it is pyschosomatic or the test would be covered by the fine print. We're hurrying a little now because Cheap pictures.  Equipment is common as horse turds.  I'm pretty sure you can get your bones counted.IZZY only gets a $400 fixed fee and there is a whole lot of fine print that has to be covered here. He's already submitted the blood test and urinalysis and of course the x-rays which are relatively cheap. He's counted my fingers and toes and reassured me that all is well. I'm a veritable picture and that is good because with this system a picture is about all you get to work with. Most pictures are covered by the fine print, up to about $75 that is. This system is really working because the stock is really sound, and after all, it is about capitalism.