The Geator's Seat by Jerry Blavat CBS-TV and WHAT, Philadelphia Dancing Host "Discophonic Scene" Record Beat magazine, February 15, 1966 ![]() That's the world of the teen, my lord, my liege, my champ! That's where we wail out of sight -- and we don't wait for night; we play our tune in the afternoon! We put a scene on the screen that is naturally mean! We crack the whip and make everybody flip! And I'm gonna tell you why. Yeah, baby, listen to the Geator with the Heator. I'm gonna tell you why. You see, we've put on some variety that stones society! You know how? Well, we get funnycats like Fisher and Marks; slam them in with wailers like the Four Tops, Len Barry and Mitch Ryder; drop in some daughters like Dee Dee Sharp and the Three Degrees; work some soul with Aretha Franklin; try a little jazz with Ramsey Lewis; knock on some drums with Olatunji; get the bad, bad voice of Arthur Prysock; and burn with the band of Fats Domino -- and that's a show. That's a show, baby, and that's what we do: we wail for you; and it may be silly, but it's only in Philly; but -- no sad song, it won't be long until we make our bow from Maine to Cal. And you too can do the Boogaloo. "What's the Boogaloo?" Well, you might ask me what the Philly Dog is or the Rain Dance or the national talk, the Discophonic Walk! They're dances, babe-ophonic baby, and they're all created by yon teenagers. No choreography, nobody's idea of what they THINK teenagers might dance like -- this is it! A soulful group of Philly kids-- not hand-picked, just grabbed off the streets where the dances originate! And they wail up an insane breeze! And so can you. That's right. You can wail off any one of the new "Jerry Blavat Presents" albums absolutely free if you just hip the Geat With the Heat to the toughest, most-requested record in Philly for 1965. You dig it? Drop it on me at 1411 Walnut St., Suite 603, Philadelphia, PA.