There may have been some fingers in the primordial soup.   At least we found the blueprint.Evolution?

Answers or questions?

I've been pondering evolution, not because it makes any sense to me, but to try and relate to it analogously. I like analogy. When done correctly, it is like putting on old shoes. Really fits, feels right, clarifies, and elucidates. If humans can happen with their internal computers, hydraulics system, articulated skeletal structures, protective layers construction and balancing organs, video and audio sensors, infra-red sensors, olfactory (smell) senses, taste, sexual chemistry, ad infinitum, then why didn't techno-bots happen? All the materials are out there and it would be no more difficult for circumstances and millions of years to have stumbled upon an accidental robot. In my mind the robot would be far less complex than the human and a far more likely occurence, if a matter of random chance. That being said, there should be Do yourself a favor and also read the hairy frozen hairy mammoth story.  Double impact.  Simple logic.some partially evolved critters of lots of different types, even unfinished humans. These things that take millions and millions of years don't finish all at the same time. From my eyes, everybody seems finished and the same, like they came off an assembly line. As a matter of fact, the unwinding of DNA will allow the duplication of body parts, as if these were the design blueprints.

Now that's what analogy is about. I'm going to start looking for unfinished technobots. If people are accidental circumstances, then this planet is crawling with the little critters. At this point, humans can clone and they think that they invented the art or science of cloning. Would you believe the Old Testament says, "I will give man the knowledge of all things." Nowhere does it say he will be smart. When scientists keep discovering smaller and smaller particles, and their estimates of the size of the universe keep growing, do the words "there is no beginning and there is no end" have meaning. Forgive me for implying that the Bible might be a book of knowledge, and readers may suffer from paradigm error. Think of that in relation to the word parallax, as in parallax error. There exists paradigms that can cause the truth of any event to be different from each paradigm. That would be true even if all parties were experiencing the same event because each exists in his own paradigm. Need an analogy? Think about the trick picture of blocks stacked like a pyramid. The blocks are alternately black and white. As you look at it, the number of blocks in the picture seem to change. One moment you see 10 and then you see 11. How many does the person beside you see when you see 10. Paradigm.

If you were a God or a superior being, how would you occupy your time. I can see where looking at planets and such could be pretty dull fare in our time frames. Would you animate some Pretty as a picture, but just how long is the picture pretty.  Boring?objects to enjoy them like a toy, or even like a Television show? My money is bet on intelligent design because I haven't been able to find even one accidental technobot, or an artifact of one, and it's absolutely certain they would be more likely to happen than humans. All the parts are out there and in millions and millions of years, they would have certainly lumped together, or should I say evolved. Maybe technolution.