Reality is an Illusion

Downtown Saigon.  The "pearl of the Orient."

Take a short trip with me, if you will. Vietnam 1966, a beautiful tropical day, in

Saigon, "the pearl of the Orient." It's daytime and although the war

surrounds you, the city ostensibly belongs to us in daylight hours. Artillery

goes " kawoomph" at pretty regular intervals, but the streets are the pathways of

commerce and life goes on at a pretty normal pace, it seems routine. Women dressed in

"ao dais", a traditional flowing pant suit, old men pedalling pedicabs,This is a pedicab.  Abicycle built to carry two, maybe three passengers in the crowded city. a bicycle with a seat

in the front for passengers, an old man carrying a bundle of cooking wood sticks,

looks impossibly heavy and he appears to be about 80 years old. If you see any

young men, they're in uniform. Another day in the big city. If you're 20 years old,

from the US and in the military because you're looking for adventure, this is heaven. The

women are beautiful and horny, the booze is cheap and plentiful, and as I said, steady

artillery in the background to remind you you're not dreaming. I'm approaching an ancient

woman holding an infant of perhaps 3-4 months of age. One black tooth rises from the

lower jaw to accent the withered and crazed brown face, the brown interrupted by a streak

of purple drool coming from near the tooth and worming its' way to her chin. The drool

caused by a cheap narcotic called betel nut. Numbs the lips, that's why the drool. The

pauper's drug. The infant begins crying like hell, and the old woman has a hand out, About 100 years older than this woman.

begging in the universal manner. The scene is pathetic, I reach in my pocket, produce 500

piastres ($5U.S.), and I'm on my way feeling very proud, I'm a good guy. I've walked about

50 feet, and I turn and look back and to my absolute horror the old woman is digging

her fingernail into the buttock of the infant to get him/her to cry again. A Marine in full dress

uniform is approaching her and the baby blatts obligingly; the Marine hands her a bill.

This old bag-is worse than Hitler. This is unimaginably cruel. How the hell could she do that

to an innocent infant. Like I said, "I'm a good guy," so I proceeded to right the wrong.

I stopped the Marine told him what happened, we went together to the old woman, got

our money back and further, I ran her off. You know, " get the hell out of here, I don't

want to see you around here again." The words were accompanied by appropriate hand

gestures, because the old woman didn't speak English. She's gone, and I'm really a good

guy. I had a nice lobster dinner at a hotel, paid the $1 for the meal, and decided to

carouse the dens of iniquity in pursuit of feminine companionship. I have found a young

woman I like because she speaks good English, and we have in the past had very

interesting conversations. There are some reservations in my mind because in a previous

chat she had explained to me that Ho Chi Minh, the leader of our enemy, was to VietnamHo Chi Minh.  The George Washington of Vietnam.  There is a message for the naive.

what George Washington was to the U.S. Our discussions led to the events of the day

and I told her proudly about running off the beggar woman/child abuser. She queried meVietnamese are some of the most beautiful in the world.

about this at some length to be absolutely certain she understood the

exact nature of the event, and then she was pissed. Really pissed. Half a million refugees

somewhere in the city. One army moves one way over your rice paddy, takes your food,

molests your women. Army number two marches them back across your rice paddy, takes

your food, molests your woman. Flee to the city. Starving refugees, lots of them. The old

woman rents a baby from a refugee, begs all day, gives all the money to the refugees for

food. A one woman social welfare organization, on a par with Mother Teresa. Am I a bad

guy? What happened to my reality? I can't fix what I have done. The lesson lives forever.