After you read my mail, maybe you'll want to know about something less personal.Peek in my Mail

Just read your article on Jimmy Carter. The photo accompanying the article makes you look thirty-something and I am amazed that so much ignorance can be accumulated in so few years. I think you would be a prime candidate for a job with the NTSB so don't quit your day job. Shah of Iran was CIA stooge. He was bad for Iranians. King Idris was CIA stooge. He was bad for Libyans. Reagan and Bush prevented release of hostages in Iran. That was and is treason. The savings generated by Carter's energy policies is the only thing that prevented Ronnie's voodoo economics from bankrupting the country. Speaking of money, did any small (very small) sparks rolling around in your vacuous cerebellum ever wake you up to the fact that the difference between "isms"(capitalism, communism, socialism, etc.) is about banking (think Federal Reserve), not politics. Inhale the fumes at the "School of the Americas" so you can understand latin American foreign policy as practised by your hero "the Gipper." Lastly, I can only pray that you are as deeply offended by this missive as I was by your article. Sincerely, Dave Fagan