College Education or Indoctrination?

The agenda of the Women's Viewpoint.

That's the viewpoint they teach in colleges. No room allowed for argument. No room for reality. Equal pay issue. I'm for equal pay for equal work. These things are easy to measure. Is it how many pounds you can lift? No, I don't think so. Is it working the same number of hours? That makes sense. Garbage persons who lift more should get paid more, because this business is about tonnage. Pencil pushers and bean counters and similar are easily measurable by the hour. So all other factors being equal, then equal pay is required. Well, if your employee costs you more to keep, then you have to cut his pay a little, commensurate with his extra cost. If he's absent from work more than others, then you have to cut his pay, commensurate with the percentage of missed time. If this missed time causes other increased expense, that must be considered for deduction. Women miss 16% more work than men and the health insurance is 4 times more expensive. I'm reading where women's pay lags 12% behind mens. That means they get paid 4% more than men because they do 16% less time on the job. That allows nothing for the 4 times as expensive health insurance, which would increase their pay even more over a man's. That's not counting retirement.

Everyone pays the same into Social Security, but the benefits are not the same. Men die around 69 years of age and draw SS for 4 years, women die around 74 years of age and draw for 9 years. You're not supposed to notice things like this or if you do, you should ignore it or women will label you a male chauvinist pig, instead of a logical reasoning being. So, women are paid 4% more than men and they get twice as much retirement, and this is not equal because the libbers say they are paid 12% less than men. This is 12% less money for 16% less work, no extra penalty for extra health insurance cost, and no recognition of the Social Security disparity. The SS disparity amounts to 5 years of a 45 year work cycle. That's 11% more for women. So with the 11% added to the 4%, that is 15% more for the same hours, but still does not account for the health insurance difference. If we allow it as only 1%, then 15% plus 1% equals 16% more pay to women.

If women's lib were about women's lib, the courts would be full of divorcees trying to get the men to take an equal half of the children in custody battles. We are not supposed to talk about that either. This is not about equal rights, it is about the women's lib agenda. Women get about 90% of the kids in divorce court, and they get paid at least 16% more than men, and they want equality. Men of the world. Rise up and give it to them. Don't you all realize when you're being snookered? For cris'sake, men and women are not the same, but to allow this as chivalry or stupidity is asinine. Yes, I know, everybody hates an iconoclast, but this cries out for cracks in the icon.