Energy price on big shouldersIt all starts here.

One hell of a note. Our hero, who, as always, shall remain unamed,
but stands tall and proud of not believing in democracy or he would have
said, "the jobs yours, Al, you got half a million more votes," is fine
tuning his energy policy. No small job this. Economy is in the sewer,
business layoffs, serious unemployment, people with less money, states
near bankruptcy, everybody doing less, spending less, cutting costs,
less energy being used, and that energy is the real bugaboo in the
equation. With everybody all over the world doing less of everything,
the demand for oil could go in the dumpster. Prices could drop and oil
company and oil country profits could be affected. The Texans will tell
you that we have to have $28-32/barrel oil prices. Not for the country
but for profits, and bonuses, and stock options, and just good old time
greed. What the hell do people think makes capitalism work, anyway?
The awesome responsibility for this energy/oil price problem rests
on the shoulders of our hero. You wouldn't think that one man, who can
choose against democracy, tall and proud, would be able to initiate any
action that could remedy the supply/demand equation and stabilize that
oil barrel/$ price near all time highs. Woe be unto those that don't
assess the diabolical cleverness operating in this dyslexic cerebellum.
What we need is a good war. That'll bring the demand back. "Wait a
minute, I buy the oil for the whole country," thinks our myopic fountain
of disinformation. With clever purchase increases by the Pentagon about
50-60% above normal and filling that sizable hole down there in Texas
and Louisiana called the Strategic Petroeum Reserve, I can get demand to
record levels, with record prices, while demand all over the world is
in the dumper. I loves oil. I loves money. I loves capitalism. I
loves greed. Daddy will be proud, and I did it all by myself. Daddy
will be extra proud because this is going to increase demand for military
equipment, and he can sell us those. Marvin was going to sell us fruits,
but he's bagging there, but David, daddy's goombah, can finance everything
through one of his banks, and we can make sure he gets all the collateral
if the morons (taxpayers) default. They'll default, for sure, if I can
find a way to bankrupt this country. I'll run it like my corporations,
they always used up all the money. They's nothin' like experience at
losing big money for other to give a man a tactical advantage, and I
represent that. I gotta talk to my handlers and get braggin' rights
to this. If I can just turn up one hot war and restart the cold war,
we'll be fat cats. Hell bubba, we already fat cats, but greed is fun
for the sake of greed itself.
Gotta be careful because the handler says that people might take
offense if they knew that without my oil buys, energy/oil prices might
have dropped to $10/barrel. For chris'sakes, they'd have all had more
money in their pockets for consumer spending and would have just pissed
it away on Christmas presents that were manufactured all over the world.
If you don't have a recession/depression, you won't have buying
opportunities, and you can't foreclose on the collateral either. I bet
David will let me brag about this, maybe even help me brag.
Dave Fagan
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