Now this is the country's very best businessman, ever.  Good planning skills.  I wonder how far into the future?Energy History

The stuff of legend. Wood, coal, petroleum, natural gas, nukes, biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, fuel cells, etc., you get the picture. The real picture is the development of the oil industry and its distribution around the world. By 1914 John D. Rockefeller's sharp business acumen and some monopolistic (legal at the time) practices garnered him assetts totaling $918 million. To understand this in a meaningful paradigm, the U.S. budget for 1914 was $713 million. That would be the entire budget of the country. Do you think that Mr. Rockefeller stopped making money, or that his industriesYou guessed it!  A money tree.  Lots and lots of money trees. and business enterprises stopped making money.

Hey, this guy is one of my heroes. He had vision, work ethic, good planning and organizational skills, made a lot of jobs, and had a lot to do with the industrialization of our nation. Of course, when you realize he had more money than the government and was making more, you need to try to understand what the money did or does. How many billions would that be today if he had just collected interest at 9%? That money would have doubled every 8 years since. That would be $235 billion. That's the conservative calculation, because his businesses were steady making money and he was in his prime. So how much Gold!  This works.  You need a bank to keep it in.  Maybe a bunch of would his heirs control today?

Jump start the thinking cap. Exxon/Mobil, JpMorgan/Chase, Federal Reserve NY, Rockefeller Foundation (tax alternative, smart), real estate, and I don't know what else, this is just the big stuff but the mind reels. That is the kind of money that could rule the world. All from the Standard Oil and big energy monopolies. Did I say big energy. Is this the status quo of big energy or big banking, or both?